Roleplay Boundaries

Hi! Welcome to Bella's role-play boundaries carrd, please read with caution and try to keep these in mind if you wish to role-play with them sometime.


Okay with playing out:
Angst, Romance, Small g0r3y scenes, lgbtqia+ relationships, etc.

Not okay with:
Heavy g0r3 scenes, 1nc35t, Foot fetishes, fetishizing the lgbtqia+ community, racism, misogyny, anti-mogai, ab^51v3 relationships

Do not:

- Tell Bella how to play a character.
- Attempt to force relationships.
- Play Bella's character/make them do things without permission.


Check out this fantasy role-play server!

Down to do:
Fandom-based rps, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life, Horror, etc.
Ask to dm if you reach out on discord from a server, do not be toxic.
@matrix_bab on wattpad.